What Key Skills are Recruiter Looking for in a Candidate
What key skills are recruiters looking for in a candidate? Recruitment is all about selling. Whether you’re a recruiter, a candidate or an employer it’s all about marketing yourself as strongly as possible in order to seal the deal. Candidates need to sell themselves to recruiters, recruiters want candidates they can sell to employers and, to secure the best candidates, employers will also need to sell themselves as the right fit. As a candidate, treat your contact with a recruiter as a sales presentation and ensure the following skills are on show: 1. Making yourself the solution Always remember that both recruiters and employers want you to be the right candidate. They are recruiting to solve a problem. Make yourself the solution. If you are going for a specific role then do your homework and know what challenges the company is facing. You can then explain how you can help overcome those challenges. And the same applies if you’re looking to work in a particular ind...