Be Better and Different (BAD) - Bloomsford Entrepreneurship Academy

Better And Different (BAD) 

I have noticed that many people sit around trying to figure out how they can be better at than everyone else in their chosen profession. Some even strive to become the best in their class. 

In order to make your career work in the short term, you need to stand out and be better than your competitors. In the short term, you will definitely have success by being better. But history shows that being better is not enough especially in this digital age where innovation and change happen faster than the average person can keep up with. Being Better only allows you to play the game, but not only for too long because someone will eventually come along and be better than you in whatever it is you were better at.

Doing things differently is the key to long term success, be it in your career or business. This is not about being different for the sake of being different. This is where you create your value- system. This is about your willingness to challenge the status quo and not accept that things have always been done in a certain way and it should continue that way. This is about being disruptive. 

Few questions I want you to genuinely answer: 

1. Why did you choose your profession? 
2. Why are you still in the same profession? 
3. What do you do that others in your profession don't do and can’t do?
4. What should you be doing that you don't currently do? 

Answering those questions genuinely will help you to know your unique advantage. I challenge you to tap into that which you have identified as your advantage and build your life around it. 

Don't join those who only focus on the ways in which they can be better that they forget to see the ways in which they can be different. 

Don't just be Better, be Different 



In the year 1686, Sir Isaac Newton presented his three laws of motion and each law describes how motion is created and maintained. 

I stumbled on the first law today and I realized that the law didn't only apply to physics, it also applies to any human that want to move forward in career and life; here are few things I think we can learn from the law. 

Newton's first law of motion states that An object will remain at rest or in a uniform motion in a straight line except acted upon by an external force. This is also called law of inertia. 

How does this apply to our individual life? 
It means that we will continue to live in our comfort zones or inert spaces until some external forces is employed that make us want to grow and develop.

I will like for us to reflect on whether we are taking our skills and abilities for granted and are in danger of future failure due to smugness. Some of the external force could be a desire to grow our skills in order to be more competitive among our profession colleagues or in our workplace, it could be a goal for a better life and it could be a mentor who is challenging us to rekindle ourself.

Unless we Become Absolutely Deliberate and take action to overcome inertia, our life will deteriorate and decay. We need to realize that inertia keeps us from realizing our true potential and take action to get out of our good enough zone. 

One factor that differentiates successful people from not so successful ones is the way successful people manage their inertia and prevent it from sabotaging them. 

You can change who you are for better by Becoming Absolutely Deliberate to break away from inertia.


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