
Showing posts from June, 2020

How To Establish An Entrepreneurial Edge After The Great Shutdown - Bloomsford Entrepreneurs Digest

Entrepreneurs are constantly seeking an edge or an advantage. In fact, most entrepreneurs are wired to look at the world from an opportunist’s perspective and are regularly working an angle, an approach, or a way of attacking a business opportunity that others have missed or have left exposed. Business consultants get paid big bucks to help organizations identify, create and maintain a ‘competitive advantage’. A competitive advantage is the million-dollar term business textbooks use to describe an entrepreneurial edge. A competitive advantage is defined as the ability of an organization to provide its products or services with either: 1) a higher value to their customers than a competitor but at a similar cost; or, 2) the same value but at a lower cost. A competitive advantage that is sustained should provide a business with the ability to realize consistently higher profits than its competitors. Higher profits, the goal of many organizations and entrepreneurs (and the successful compe

SELF CAREER DEVELOPMENT - BloomsFord Entrepreneurs Digest

SELF CAREER DEVELOPMENT     Don’t count on your company to develop your career. Smart professionals know they need to take a DIY approach to managing their own success.    We are now in the era of do-it-yourself career development. Companies less frequently offer formal training — a trend that has been around for some time now. This may be because employees change jobs so frequently (job tenure now averages about four years)  that why firms don’t see the value in investing in people who are likely to leave too soon.   This is a sharp contrast with the investment that senior leaders used to make on employees.     "During a robbery in America, the bank robber shouted to everyone in the bank: "Don't move. The money belongs to the State. Your life belongs to you."    Everyone in the bank laid down quietly. This is called "Mind Changing Concept” Changing the conventional way of thinking. In this year 2020 Change your thinking or your thinking change you its a choice,