Be Better and Different (BAD) - Bloomsford Entrepreneurship Academy
Better And Different (BAD) I have noticed that many people sit around trying to figure out how they can be better at than everyone else in their chosen profession. Some even strive to become the best in their class. In order to make your career work in the short term, you need to stand out and be better than your competitors. In the short term, you will definitely have success by being better. But history shows that being better is not enough especially in this digital age where innovation and change happen faster than the average person can keep up with. Being Better only allows you to play the game, but not only for too long because someone will eventually come along and be better than you in whatever it is you were better at. Doing things differently is the key to long term success, be it in your career or business. This is not about being different for the sake of being different. This is where you create your value- system. This is about your willingness to challenge th